Member-only story
A New Find - [Flash Fiction Story]
Is there something in the water?
Author’s note: In the spirit of building my storytelling skills, I will occasionally practice in public. If you would like to join this challenge, comment on this article, and perhaps, we can make a community out of it.
When I first saw the rock in the feeble river, I thought it would be an ordinary Friday.
My little sister liked to collect the best ones, and this was smooth, shiny, and large. I stepped into the water and felt my feet sink. The water looked sickly, filled with murkiness and decay.
I placed my hand in the cool water and grabbed the rock. It was heavy, and it almost fell from my fingers. I analyzed the dark gray object and thought about how much my sister would like it. Then, when I turned it around, I realized I wasn’t the first person to touch it.
The rock had an inscription carved into it. “Beware, you are now cursed.”
I immediately dropped it and stepped back. It was probably some school boy that thought it was funny. So I picked it back up and placed it into my pocket.
The trail back to the main road wasn’t long, and I began my short hike. Watching for snakes, I trailed slowly among the muddy path ladened with dead leaves.